Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hello Dear Friends and Viewers,

I am sorry I have been so absent. I've been rather busy and engaged with my life. Just a short note to let you know I am well, and to extend good thoughts and prayers to you for happiness, creativity, and an abundance of all good things in each of your lives.

It has been an unusual year for me. The Universe, since about last November has made it clear to me that this is a time in which I am to reformulate my life and mode of living, including the areas of finances, health, spirituality, schedule, inner peace, balance, rest... in short, in just about all ways. I have been working on all of these things, making changes and adjustments (sometimes almost daily) since last November (since the Universe won't stop making it clear that this is to occur!)

It is as though something big is going to happen in my life or in the world, and I need to be ready and in the proper "mode" when it does. It also feels as though I am getting older, and I am preparing/being prepared for the long 20 year stretch to retirement (if I ever do get to retire... lol... like many self employed people, it's difficult to save for this milestone in human life.)

The latest change includes a reduction in the number of hours spent performing and in teaching/coaching each week. I am still doing both, but the reduction will reduce stress in my life significantly. Also, my schedule is now the same each day. When I can truly stick to my schedule (it's only default mode) I get up, work, nap, recreate, create, teach/perform, have time with my "boo" and doggie, eat, and go to sleep at the same time each day. I need this consistency (as well as the flexibility of realizing the schedule is just default mode) each day.

I do feel all these changes (both those described in the paragraph above, and those which have been made as I have gone through this phase of change over the course of the last year) have been most beneficial and instructive to me as a human being, soul, artist, teacher, musician, writer, recording artist, etc... beneficial to all the aspects of me, and to me as a whole.

I tend to define myself by what I do, though I know this is not me in totality. I enjoy doing so many things which hopefully bless others. I have accepted that I have many different aspects, some of them seemingly disparate. But it seems now I am being instructed to slow down, rest, and be content with the many things I have created and done in life. I feel guided to make sure that I am peaceful, balanced and rested at all times. I am being "encouraged" to just "be."
I think just letting go, going slowly and quietly, accepting myself (and all my aspects and limitations) may be the message of this year, and its insistence that I find a more restful, balanced mode of living.

It does not matter what others think, or what the "old push push push Michael" would think.

From now on:

  • I go slowly and quietly at all times.

  • I have a great "schedule" but I rest till I am rested, create when it feels right, and open my body, mind and spirit to ever increasing peace and balance.

  • I make constant adjustments to my "schedule" each day, and it's ok... Its just default mode anyway. (I think I just made a little poem... I like it!... lol).

  • I constantly prioritize and re-prioritize on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis, so that I am able to deal with all that "needs doing" without driving myself crazy. I use this wonderful tool, the computer, to assist me. I am so grateful that I have devised a series of "schedule files" for the day, week, etc to help me stay organized. You all should see them. They would make my super-organized father very proud. My weekly schedule is even color-coded, indicating various aspects of my life (the body, work, creating, teaching and performing, etc) so that I can see at a glance if I am in balance.

  • I thank the Universe for the idea of a "computer pad" and handwritten pad by my bedside, which both now help me to just jot things down when I am worried about something, or have an inspiration in the middle of the night. Jotting things down is so much better than lying awake worrying or getting up and working on something in the middle of sleep time. So sorry, muse, but balance and rest is taking priority. I was so faithful to you, dear muse, when I was younger... Now, I am older and must rest! ("I grow old, I grow old... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled!")

  • I open to receive more wonderful ideas like the above "pads." This year (and every year) should be about opening to, receiving, and implementing guidance from the Universe/our Higher Self.

  • I do what I can do each day... and not more.

  • If I should die "before I wake," it's ok... I've had a good long run, did and created many things, all of which expressed myself and hopefully helped others. If I don't finish all creative projects, it's ok... Since we are all connected, just the act of working on them, the intention of doing and expressing something good, helped others and sent good energy out into the world.

  • I accept and integrate all aspects of me, disparate as they might seem to the world. I am glad I am multi-faceted. So many Michaels. This is good.

  • My life must fit me, if I am to be at peace, healthy, happy, creative, productive, etc. (And I must be these things... we all must if we are not to be in a state of dis-ease). I am blessed and happy.

  • I continue to believe that I can manifest abundantly whatever good, loving thing I can dream of. Thank you, God (who according to my current understanding is in all things and IS all things!... No separation... God in the grass, my brother and sister... It's all God... all one big God...There is ONLY love or the absence of love).

  • I choose love and light.

  • I choose and choose again every day, every minute.

I send love and light to each of you. As Garrison Keillor would say, "Be happy, do good work, and keep in touch."

-Michael :)